Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Every Mom Needs, chapter 2

While reading this chapter it took me 2 days and many interruptions to finally get it finished. Chapter 2 is called "Growth"! That basically sums up the last few weeks of my life. I have been growing as a mother and a wife and a person. This chapter has taught me that mothering involves self sacrifice. This bothered me a little at first but once I thought further on the subject I realized that it meant putting the need of my children above my own. For example I really enjoy my afternoon naps, but my 4 year old does not take a nap anymore and wants to spend time with me playing or doing work book pages. So a self sacrificing act on my part is giving up that nap and spending time with him, I confess I do not always succeed in this. I do notice, though, that on the days that I take time to spend with him he is a little bit more calm and obedient.

A quote from Judith Couchman states "[Our family's] well being takes priority over most pursuits, and I believe God honors decisions that place people above accomplishments. On the other hand, it also takes balance not to worship at the shrine of family to the exclusion of other relationships and responsibilities. It its possible to isolate ourselves within the family structure, hiding from personal growth and spiritual calling." This quote struck home to me because my family does need to come first and not second to other activities at church or school. Sometimes I get so concerned with activity that my family and home suffer for it. At the same time I realize that we can't be hidden in our house and not interact with others. So in the middle of that we need to find balance! Balance is finding the ground of taking care of me while also taking care of my children and husband. I also need to realize that my example of mothering and being a wife is what my children are going to base their future relationships on. So I need to be careful what their little eyes and ears pick up on. Are they going to see a mom who loved and cared for them enough to spend time with them and talk and listen? Or a mom who was more concerned with Facebook and email? And when they go and look for a wife are they going to look for one that is submissive and honoring to them, because that is what they saw in me? My prayer is that I can exude Christ's love towards them and towards my husband so that they can have good examples to follow.

Another topic in this chapter is Dreams. Dreams as in where do I want to be in 5 years or 10 years. Do I want a business, or publish a children's book? We need to make sure that while our children are young we don't try to pursue these "dreams" to the point that the children suffer. Right now my only dream is to be home with my children and to focus on being a wife and mother. Some of you might wonder why. I worked outside the home for 8 years and for 3 of those we had a child. It was the most difficult thing for me to do. My heart was at home I did not like going to work. But my husbands job (and sometimes lack of a job) left us no choice financially. After my second child was born I went back to work for 4 months and after coming home crying everyday for about 2 weeks, we finally decided to lay our finances down at the feet of Jesus and rely on Him to care and provide for us. At this time my husband has a steady job that pays fairly well and I am so thankful for this time to spend with both of my boys at home. At the same time there is a ton of guilt that I did not get to bond with my older son as well as I have with the second. As much as I pray for relief from this guilt there are many days that it crops up and I have to again confess it before the Lord and move on. I can do nothing about the past. Having said all that I feel that I am living my dream right now! I also know that is not the case for everyone, so just remember to not let your family suffer just because you have a need to fulfill your dreams.

One reason I started this blog was to find a creative outlet for me. I enjoy writing but have not been able to keep up with it in the last five years. Journaling is a wonderful way to stay connected to who you are. The authors suggest to keep journaling so that we don't lose sight of who we are outside of mother and wife. So this blog is a wonderful way for me to get some self expression out there and if for no body else, for me!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What Every Mom Needs...

Lately we have been struggling with disciplining our four year old I have tried everything and come to the conclusion that nothing is going to work! BUT after a sleepless night last night (and keeping my husband up until 2 am) I think I have come to some conclusions as to how to handle this strong willed child. I have read Creative Correction by Lisa Welchel, she gave me a lot of ideas but I still was having no luck getting a response. I tried about 3 different approaches, one was a rewards jar that I filled with tokens as he did was he was told. Another approach was using a paper plate clock to show his bed time and when he is disciplined he has to go to bed 5 minutes sooner. The third approach that I used was making him learn verses that correlated to what his offense was, I think he was a little too young yet for that one.

So last night I began reading a book by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall called What Every Mom Needs. This book opened a whole new outlook into why he might be misbehaving. My conclusion was that I am LAZY! My parenting over the summer became lazy and I quit being on top of the discipline. I am now going to out line some points that helped me come to this conclusion.
1. Mom guilt... I was feeling guilty that I missed so much of his baby and toddler time because I was working. So I felt not as connected to him as I do his younger brother (who I have been able to stay home with since he was 4 months old).
2. Losing a sense of "myself"... Since quitting my job over a year ago its been really difficult for me to feel connected to other moms or other adults, at work I had adults to talk to all day long, but at home the 4 year old and toddler don't get my sense of humor! Along with feeling a loss of myself in this mother process these ladies point out some ways to help us mother (no matter where we are in the whole process) with out losing our self: "We need to know ourselves the way God knows us (Matthew 22:39 states that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves!). "We need to care for ourselves for the sake of our children." This one helped me realize I don't need to feel guilty about taking time to go to the gym or out for the evening to be by myself. "We need to accept ourselves for the sake of our children." This one was good for me because I can be too hard on myself and children pick up on these little things. So if I am talking negatively about myself then that is how my children are going to see me or themselves. "We need to accept ourselves for the sake of other around us." If we don't love ourselves we won't truly be able to love others.

To bring it all to an end I learned that taking time for myself to re energize is the best thing I can do for my children and my husband. I would like to encourage you to take some time for yourself at the end or beginning of your day and work out or read or do something that is just for you! I don't feel its a selfish act I think its the best thing you can do!

At the end of the chapter there were some questions that I would like to leave with you, I will also leave my answers to them:
1. If I could spend a day (eight hours), with or without my family, doing anything, what would I do? As I told my husband last night, I am feeling so overwhelmed right now that the thing I would most like to do is to take my book and check into a hotel and lock myself in that room and not leave for an entire day! Doesn't that sound wonderful!?
2. What are my talents? This is a hard one for me to answer because I never feel like I have any "talents", I can't sing, I am not a public speaker. SO what are my talents, I believe I am talented in behind the scenes work. I can sew, I can bake, and I can love my children and husband to no end!
3. What are my dreams? My biggest dream in life is to have my children come to love Jesus as I love him! I want them to be able to say that they saw Jesus in my life!
4. What stirs my passion? This question threw me for a loop because I am not generally a passionate person. SO for me to say what stirs my passions is hard. I love my children, I want to do whats best for them. BUT I also know that I am something other than a mother and wife. My passions in life have to do with having a home that is a sanctuary for my family. To have people walk into my house and know that its filled with love and passion and is comfortable.
5. What is my calling? I believe my calling in life is to serve Jesus with my whole heart, and to love Him! I believe I am called to children's ministry at our church.
6. Can I pursue this purpose now, even as I live as a mother to young children? How?
I most definitely can do this now! What better time is there?!
7. How can my mothering enhance my growth in fulfilling my purpose? I need to be fully focused on my children while I am with them and fully focused on "myself" when I am doing something for me! That may sound selfish and I don't mean it that way. I just mean that when I take time out for me that I am not worried or thinking about how to handle things with them. I need to be refreshed and renewed when I come back to them.

(These questions were taken from the book What Every Mom Needs, by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall, chapter one, pages 48-49)

Please pray this prayer of acceptance and let yourself be renewed as I was:

"Today, O Lord, I accept your acceptance of me.
I confess that you are always with me and always for me.
I receive into my spirit your grace, your mercy, your care.
I rest in your love, O Lord, I rest in your love. Amen.
(pg. 49)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

As summer comes to an end...

It is now the middle of August and we are getting ready for preschool to start. I know some mothers would feel sad, but for me this is a wonderful time! I love having my 4 year old (almost 5 year old!) home but this has been a long summer. He is really ready for school to start. I can never seem to keep him interested in any project that we do or in any toys that we have. I sometimes wonder what to do just to keep him so he does not destroy the house or his little brother. The little brother is learning quickly how to defend himself and that has added a lot more stress to my day. The 19 month old has recently learned to hit and get a reaction so that is mostly what he does all day to his older brother. The 4 year old takes it pretty well and does not get upset but just comes and tells on him every time he gets hit.

I will admit that I have been really preoccupied lately. My parents are getting ready for an auction of most of their things. So being the wonderful good daughter that I am I have been helping my mom pack boxes. We also are going to be moving in the next few months (into their house!) so I also have to start packing my own house. I keep thinking about doing it but never seem to get around to it. We are gearing up for a garage sale next month so I have been clearing things out and getting that ready. I guess that is doing something.

We are also trying to get things fixed and ready at our house so we can put it on the market. While doing that we are getting things for the new house as we have the money. I think maybe we are trying to do too much at one time. BUT I want to be ready to move before spring time so we can be in the new house for summer!

We are praying for a nice transition to the new house and that ours would sell quickly. We are really torn as to when to place it on the market because we would like to be moved out before we try to sell it. BUT with the housing market the way it is, we might need to do that sooner. We just don't want to be sitting with an empty house that we are paying for. God's timing is always perfect and we know He will lead us!

Back to the school issue.... with the 4 year old (soon to be 5 year old!) I am wondering what to do with the toddler. Not that I don't know what to do but I would like to get him to some sort of music class or swimming or something along those lines. The 4 year old will be in school all day on Tuesday and Thursdays and half day Wednesdays. I will have Bible study on Tuesdays and so I think just one day a week for a class for the toddler would be perfect. Let me know if anyone has any ideas of something that a 19 month old would enjoy. I think a swimming class would be good for him because he hasn't been too fond of the water and this summer hasn't been too good for going swimming.

I would like to leave you with these verses from the Bible: Psalm 8:1-5,9
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor...O Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It has been a crazy summer for us. To start the weather has really had me down and in a funk. I have tried really hard to bring myself out of it lately. The weather is finally warming up a bit so that helps, but we are still out numbering rainy days to sunny, warm ones. So in my efforts to try and keep those active boys of mine busy, I am cutting my internet time and TV time. I was finding that in my "funk" of a mood I was doing more internet searching and TV/ movie time with the kids awake than I should have. So all day today I have been telling myself (sometimes out loud!) that its not about me! Sounds silly I know but lately I need that out loud reminder to keep my focus on my kids and realize that they are only young once and the way that I teach them is through my actions.

Yesterday was another kind of cloudy wet morning so I decided to make play dough for the kids to play with. I am not a fun mom who lets her kids play with play dough a lot, even though we have hard wood floors its just stresses me out. So I dug around and found a play dough recipe that I thought I would try. I have tried many others in the past and none that I have been too fond of. They were either too watery, too sticky, or just didn't stick together very well. This is the easiest one I think I have found and I LOVE it!! So just in case you would like to try it here is the recipe:
2 Cups of flour
1 tablespoon of oil
1/2 cup of salt
3/4 cup of water

Mix that all together and store in an airtight container or ziploc bag. I did need to add a little bit more water to make it managable. But once I got it mixed together at the right consistency it was wonderful. I did add a little food coloring too, just to make it a little more fun. I would suggest adding it before you start mixing it together.

I hope your kids have fun with this new play dough recipe, I know mine did! I really like using edible stuff because of the 18 month olds habbit of putting everything in his mouth!! So it was nice to not have to worry about what he was ingesting because it was basically flour and water!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My new venture in life...

Over the past 6 weeks I have been taking a sewing class. I started to get interested when a friend of mine was talking about it. My mother tried to teach me when I was younger but like everything else she wanted to teach me I was not interested. So now that I am in my 30's I decided it was time to learn. Not knowing a thing about sewing or how to work a machine, I went into the class with a blank slate. BUT now that the class is almost over I am LOVING it!!! I am so excited to venture out into making different projects. The class was very basic, but using those basic skills I can do other things.

This class has allowed me to broader my internet searching. I recently learned that you can make your own "Ziploc" bags! So I have been in search of something called a PUL (polyurethane liner). That search took a few days and many, many websites. I eventually came upon this web site that started with a women who was making her own diapers and slings before her first child was born. She then started making them for some friends who told other friends about them and her business was born. How thrifty is that!?

That got me thinking, about what I could make and try to sell over the internet. I am not that good yet but I hope with a little more playing around with my sewing machine that I can learn and get good enough to sell my things. I am now wishing I had learned to sew when my first child was born, so I could have made cloth diapers to use. But now that our youngest is already 18 months and we don't plan on having anymore I am not sure its worth it to switch to cloth since he will be potty trained in about a year.

This past week my husband and I went shopping for a sewing machine. The friend of mine that got me thinking about taking the class suggested we look at Sears, I never would have thought to look there for a sewing machine. So we went there and at first all I saw were about 4 machines and they were all way more expensive than I wanted to spend. We were trying to find one under $200. My husband used to work there and so he saw a guy that he worked with and they were talking and he asked if we needed help, we said no (as we usually do!). The Sears worker then said that there were more machines on the other side of the shelf. So we walked over there and sure enough there were more! He also pointed out that there was a machine that was an open box item, but it was a really nice machine. We looked at it and realized that it was a $250 machine on sale for $225, but because it was an open box it was marked down to $99! I was so amazed!!! We were able to get a $250 machine for $99, God really knew that was where we needed to be He blessed us with the right purchase. I am so thankful, I love my machine! Originally I was looking at a Brother machine for $229 but I wasn't really sure I wanted to spend that much and so I had to think about it. The machine I bought was a Kenmore (which gets wonderful reviews), I realized that when buying a Brother or a Singer you are paying for the name not the type of performance the machine will give.

I am so excited about where this new venture will take me. I am excited about how much money this could save my family, especially living on a very tight budget. With my son starting preschool and taking his lunch a few days a week I am excited to make my own "Ziploc" bags and save money there. I am also excited about trying to make pj's for my boys. I made the 4 year old a quilt this past week. Its nothing special but its flannel and cozy and soft. I don't think its too bad for my first one.

Being thrifty doesn't mean you can't be cool too!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Rain, rain go away!!!!

Today was the third day in a row that we have had dreary rainy weather, and my boys are going crazy! We have been unable to get outside, so finding things to do inside that will entertain both of them has been a challenge. My task yesterday was searching the internet for ideas for craft projects and places that we could go in our area that have free or cheap things to do. I got some help from my August edition of Parents magazine. They had an article on boredom busters, I was able to find a lot of information from them. I found out that my area has a lot of parks that do story times and nature walks. I also found a few web sites that have craft ideas that will keep them busy.

One craft idea that I found was getting wooden letters and letting my 4 year old paint them and while he is painting them we can talk about what sounds they make and what words they make. I thought that was a wonderful idea and then we can use them to help teach my toddler his letters. We haven't done that activity yet but I am hoping to do it in the near future.
I also found some web sites that have printable worksheets or coloring pages for them to do. My 4 year old really loves to do mazes and dot to dots, so that is perfect, instead of spending $8.00 on a book at the store I can print the pages off at home and he has endless fun! Some of the web sites I looked at were:;; and; all of those had a tun of things that would keep my kids busy for a long time. I also really enjoy letting the 4 year old go to, he loves those shows and likes to play the games. There was one web site that sends out a weekly newsletter with craft ideas and recipes you can sign up for free and they send it to you in your email, that one is: I was totally amazed at how much information I was able to get in just a few hours of internet searching!

So today since it was raining and we were supposed to go swimming with some friends (the second time we tried!), I decided to try one of the craft ideas. Its called Oobleck! My kids loved it! And the best part was it was SUPER easy to clean up and not toxic so the toddler could eat it and I didn't have to worry. The recipie was so easy to make:

1 cup of water
a couple of drops of food coloring (what ever color you want)
2 cups of corn starch

You add the water and food coloring and then slowly add the corn starch. Stir with a spoon until it gets to hard and then use your hands to finish mixing it up. My 4 year old played with it for at least 20 minutes (he never stays with anything that long!) and the toddler played for at least ten minutes. This was the easiest thing to clean up, even if you get it on your clothes just take a damp rag and wipe if off. I got some on my shirt and thought I was going to have to change my clothes but it just wiped right off! A wet wash cloth and the table was clean, no kidding!!!!
I hope this has given you some ideas to stear off the boredom in wet summer weather. I know I now have at least a few ideas to keep in mind if we get bored.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh what things in life may come...

School has recently ended and I am trying to work out a good summer schedule. With my two boys further apart in age (4 and 18 months), I think its going to be a challenge to find activities that they both can enjoy equally. We really enjoy going to the public pool, ours has a wonderful baby/toddler pool. The 4 year old really enjoyed it last year because of the fountains and he can touch the bottom (which he thought was pretty cool!). Last summer I was able to put the then infant in a baby float, this summer with him being a toddler I am not going to get by with that. He is very active and will want to be in the water moving freely. I am interested to find out what my solution will be for this problem. I guess always going with a friend to help watch them both would be helpful.

In the past I have tried different schedules with my oldest boy, they never seem to work. Maybe because of my laziness or because it just does not fit his personality. I am a very scheduled person and like to know what I am doing and when. So I will be working on a schedule that will hopefully accommodate both my children appropriately. Since having my youngest child I haven't really done any type of schedule with him because we just went on what the older one needed and wanted. Not that he always got to do what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it, but it was a matter of him needed a set schedule of activities more than the infant. I think I will just brainstorm and write a mock schedule for reference:

7:30- Wake up go potty
7:45- Get dressed
8:00- Eat breakfast
8:30- Bible story time/ Quiet time
8:45- Do puzzles or play quiet toys
9:00- Run errands
Monday- clean
Tuesday- Library
Wednesday- Chiropractor/ store
Thursday- Play date with friends
Friday- Park

10:00- Snack
10:30- Play with toys/ go outside
11:15- Prepare for lunch
11:30- Lunch
12:00- Rest time
2:00- Elijah and mommy art/workbook time
3:00- Wake up go potty
3:15- Snack time
4:00- Outside time/ Pool time
5:15- Prepare for dinner
5:30- Play toys/ read books/ do puzzles
6:15- Dinner
6:45- Play time with Daddy
7:15- Pick up time/ clean play room
7:30- Bath time
7:45-Devotion time
8:00- Bed time

That is just a schedule that will probably work 75% of the time, I try to be very flexible in my schedules. I know that things do not always work out according to my plans but I am ok with that.

The reason I really like schedules is because it leaves little time to fighting and getting out of control. Having a four year old is really nice because he is starting to learn how to tell time and can know when its time for something to begin or end. He knows when rest time is over and when its time for bed. We are also beginning to teach him how to read so that is going to be something that I hope to work with him on this summer as well. I really hope this schedule will make for a good summer of little fighting and little chaos!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Curve balls in life!

These past few weeks have been very busy for my family. Our 4 year old has had two concerts, one at school and one at church. That took up a lot of time for practice and then the performances. He is such a wonderful performer, he still "dances" (more like jumps!) around the house to his songs. We told him where he would be playing soccer in the fall and he asked us if he was going to be putting on a show! That made us both laugh, because I think he will be putting on a show! This is the first year for him to be doing anything organized and I am realizing how much he is growing up. For his performance at church they had a Saturday practice and I dropped him off and left and later that morning I realized that I don't do that very often. It really hit me then how much he is growing up. I think up until that point they are still very much under our (as parents) supervision. Since he has a later birthday he will not go to Kindergarten this year, I was sad at first because I thought he would be ready. But as this year has gone I realize that he will greatly benefit from another year of pre-school.

As for the 16 month old... I can't believe he is 16 months!! He has definitely thrown us some curve balls these past few weeks. He has recently learned that he can tell us his "opinion. Which is usually a shake of his head "NO". He has also recently began hitting, at first he did it just to see the reaction and now he knows he gets a reaction. Our method of dealing with this is not yet working. We have just been telling him "No hitting", but I think we are going to have to start some time-outs. With our older one he didn't really show us his opinionated side until about age 2. So this is really early for us.

Both of my boys are such a joy and do such funny things all the time. I think I will share a cute story about each of them.

The 4 Year old: Last night was sloppy joe night. He is very confused by this, because he has a friend named Joe. So I was trying to help him to understand that they are messy so we call it sloppy and then I didn't know why they called it joe. So his conclusion was "Sloppy is the bun and Joe is the meat". That just cracked me up!!

The 16 month old: Yesterday he was playing with his cookie jar shape sorter. He was putting his "Tigger" blanket in and then yanking it out and laughing. Then he would turn on the music and start to dance. He found a plastic fork inside it and started to pretend he was eating out of it. Then he came walking into the hallway dragging the cookie jar and runting at it. I didn't know what he was doing. I walked over to him and realized that his "Tigger" blanket was stuck in one of the holes and he couldn't get it out. He was getting a little frustrated with it, but I was impressed that he knew to bring it to me so I could help him.

Even though I get frustrated and upset at times, I am just so thankful for my two beautiful, rambuctious boys! I would like to end on this verse: Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; The fruit of the womb is a reward."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grocery shopping on a small budget.

Today I am making out my monthly grocery list, it can get quite long. The reason I started going only once a month is because we were spending way too much money making "quick" trips to the store. So very recently I started to grocery shopping once a month, usually the first week of the month and then in the middle of the month I do our Wal-Mart shopping (toilitries and such). This works out really well.

My best advice to give is to start planning a few days in advance. I make a first draft list, and then I go through and put the items in order. I also get very specific in the quantities that we buy, I have found that if I have a number next to an item I am more likely to only buy what we need. I have also found coupons to be very helpful, I receive emails from a couple of different coupon web sites. Its so easy because all I do is go through and mark the ones I want and print them off. We also get the sunday paper, which is very helpful in getting coupons.

The first step I take in making my list is to go through and write down all the items that we are in need of. Like this week I know that I am going to need buns, yogurt, cheese slices, etc. Then our grocery store sends out fliers every week with the items that are on sale. I look through that and continue my list. After my list is complete I like to look at the items I have written down and then figure out what meals and how many I can get out of those items. I like to have at least 15 meals taken care of. This past month I was able to buy a bag of fishsticks for about $5.00 and that made lunch 3 times for my boys and I and dinner once for my husband and boys (while I was out with some friends). So I like to buy things that will make several meals and then I rotate them throughout the month. I also wrote a list of the meals and how many they would make and put it on my refridgerator so I could easily look and see what I could make for dinner. When we ate the meal I crossed it off.

The second draft of my list is where I put the items in order according to the aisle (some grocery stores have a list that you can ask them for, I personally just have my grocery store memorized!) As I am doing this I am very careful in making sure that I put quantities next to the items (especially if I am going to use a coupon). I also put a little "c" next to items that have a coupon, so I remember to check the coupon while I am at the store to make sure that I get the right amount and size. Another tip in checking the store circular is to look for items that are on sale and make sure to use your coupon for those items. Its amazing how much money you can save!

My last trip to the grocery store (last month) my total was about $220.00 before coupons and after it was $183.00, so I saved $37.00! I do usually go in the middle of the month and buy more milk or yogurt. I don't like to buy too much of that at one time because it spoils so quickly. I have tried so many other methods and read so many blogs on couponing, but I think the trick is to just find out what works for you and your family and do that! I have taken tips from about 4 different people and made it work for me!

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rain, rain go away!!

I choose that to be my title today because it has rained everyday for the last three days! I know that we need it to help our grass and trees and things, but having two boys that are tired of being inside makes it difficult to be excited about. So today I thought I would brainstorm some ideas about what to do with them when we are stuck inside.

My oldest child (who is 4 1/2) really enjoys to do art projects. I used to teach preschool and so I have a lot of stuff that I can pull out and photo copy. So before Easter we did a lot of spring art work. He had a lot of fun painting and gluing cotton balls on a picture of a bunny. Not very high tech stuff but at age 4 he really got into it!

My 15 month old, however, is a little harder to entertain. So for his Easter gift we found a little ball pit for $9.00 on clearance (after Christmas!). So we set that up in our basement and the boys really enjoy that. I also let them kick balls and play really roughly in the basement, it helps to let them get their energy out. Our basement is partially finished but we don't have very much furniture down there so it provided alot of room for them to run and play.

Recently in my parenting "adventure" I have come to realize that my children are my purpose in life right now, and I should not consider them to be interruptions. I tend to find myself putting off their needs to fulfill my own. Like if I want to spend time on the computer or reading or just sitting quietly (ha.. ok that's a dream!), that seems to be the time when they want me the most. Usually I will either tell them to go play or I just tune them out. I have realized that is not the right way to handle this and that I need to remember that they are only little for so long and then I will be begging them to talk to me. I have also been reading a lot about how to help myself grow spiritually and today I learned that my awareness of God's presence in my life grows as my intimacy with Him grows! WOW, what a simply concept that I never considered before. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that it is true. The times in my life that I have felt stress are the times that I don't feel very close to God. But at the same time the times that I feel a great sense of peace I am spending time with God and getting to know Him better!!

So my encouragement for today is John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Also Phillippeans 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring has sprung!

I first started blogging last summer, I began to give myself an outlet in life. At the time I had a seven month old and a not quite 4 year old. So for me life was pretty much in a shell of my home. But once preschool started in the fall and all of the other activities started up again, life got really busy and I have not been able to bolg since. So with things slowing down in my life I have decided that its time for me to start again. So here I am!

My boys are now 15 months and 4 1/2 years old. They are both very active, so trying to find things to keep them both interested and busy is a challenge. I am very excited for summer to come so we can get outside more. Today was a wonderful day and I got my first experience with two children at the park. It was so much fun, the 15 month old was having so much fun on the swings! I think that as the summer goes on he will begin to enjoy more at the park and I look forward to lots of outings.

On another note however, life has also been very crazy for me. I have come to realize that I have put myself in the bubble of my children! I swore to myself after my first one was born that I would never be one of those moms. Not that I dote on my children all day long, but sometimes that all I think about and I don't seem to take time to myself. Over the past year I have began to meet with a really close friend about once a month for coffee/soda (I am not really a coffee drinker). This has been such a blessing to my life! Just to know that I have someone to lean on who has been where I am. I have also been blessed to have a couple of moms groups that I have joined. It is so wonderful to know that once a week for one, and every other week for the other, I will meet with other moms who know what I am going through and who can pray with me or just give encouragement.

I hope to continue this blog and share some insights with other, and maybe find some helpful tips to use.