Day 1: January 6, 2012
Goal- Discover how to Re purpose!
I have some holy socks laying around that I won't wear anymore, and have no idea how to "darn socks", so what can I use them for? Normally I would just throw them away, but I am sure they can be used for cleaning, as baby wipes or something else. Big E also has a pair of footie pjs that he has worn holes in the feet of. They are perfectly fine, except for the holes in the feet. I plan to sew those up and they can be used for the other boys when they are able to wear them. Another goal for today was to see what I can make from home, instead of purchasing in the store. I came up with laundry soap (which can also be used for cloth diapers), dishwasher detergent, bread and soup.
Day 2: January 7, 2012
Goal- Talk to the boys about being frugal and get rid of/ combine cleaning products
I talked to the boys about what it means to be frugal and how we need to take care of our stuff. I also talked to them about conserving and reusing. We went through their room and talked about what are toys they never play with, toys they sometimes play with and toys that they play with all the time. We also talked about what they can do without. I am going through and eliminating or combining our cleaning products. I should not need to buy cleaning stuff for a LONG time!! We had a whole laundry room full of cleaners, 3 different stain removers, carpet cleaners, 2 bottles of Febreeze, 2 bottles of CLR, Lime Away, 3 different tub and tile cleaners, etc. My plan is to get down to just 3 basic cleaning items in my house: borax, vinegar, and baking soda.
Day 3: January 8, 2012
Goal- Rest!!
Today's topic was downsizing the home. Since we already live in a pretty modest home, I didn't think this applied to us. I did reflect on some things that we could do to help improve the efficiency of our home though. I think if we can get some new windows it will really improve our heating and cooling bills. After that, I took this day to rest and enjoy being with my family!
Day 4: January 9, 2012
Goal- Be the "Light Police" and monitor the space heaters
Today I got a late start because of some internet issues, so I will be working more on this goal tomorrow. With the lights we need to make sure they are off when no one is in the room and using natural light as much as possible. With the space heaters we sometimes leave them on when no one is in the room, sometimes for a few hours at a time. So the goal with these is to turn them off and only use them during the night and when we will be in the room for a while.
Day 5: January 10, 2012
Goal- Save on Grocery Spending
She gave 50 tips on saving at the grocery store. Most of them I do already, meal plan, stick to the list, use cash, price match, coupons, etc. There were a few things I think I will try next time I go grocery shopping, like stick to whole foods (oats, fruit, veggies, grains, rice, etc.). Eat seasonal fruit and veggies, since I am not sure what is seasonal in my part of the country this will take some research. She also suggested looking into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). When I checked them out there were 2 in a reasonable distance from my house. The one that was closest to what we could afford had a 4-8 YEAR waiting list!! OH BOY!! So we will have to consider hard about the other one, whether its going to be worth it because it was pretty pricey and since we are on such a tight budget we would have to start saving now.
Day 6: January 11, 2012
Goal- Healthy Body and Healthy Soul
Today my goal is to commit to exercising daily and eating healthy whole foods. I also am committing to spending more time cuddling with my kids and husband that should renew my soul! I loved her tips on keeping a healthy body, mind and soul:
MIND- use your creative side more
BODY- exercise daily
SOUL- Meditate- worship God Daily
Day 7: January 12, 2012
Goal- Clutter Free Living
I am so glad that we are on our way to clutter free living! I feel so renewed since I have begun this process. Now if we can just get to Garage Sale season so we can make some money off of all this stuff!! I really liked her idea about the 30 Day Rule- if you want something that is not a necessity then wait 30 days before making the purchase to see if it is still important to you.
Day 8: January 13, 2012
Goal- Stop Impulse Shopping
Todays goal is to focus on getting back to the "Cash Only" status of buying. I am also excited about the 30 Day Rule, I believe that will help us to assess what we really "need" and what we we just "want".
Day 9: January 14, 2012
Goal- 30 Day List
Rules: Write down the thing that you want and date it. The item stays on that list for 30 days. Place the list in a visible spot (front of refrigerator, by the calendar). Then really contemplate throughout the 30 days whether or not this item is really important and worth purchasing. If after the 30 days are up you still want the item then go ahead and buy it, but you must buy it with CASH! My goal today is to implement the 30 Day List into my family. I believe this will eliminate a lot of problem when the boys ask for something or when dear husband and I want to buy something.
Day 10: January 15, 2012
Goal- Stop Spending Money Trying to impress other People
Prioritize Family- I need to make my husband and kids priority over shopping or friends.
Give Freely of my time and energy- by doing this I believe we will be truly blessed. By not being selfish with my time/energy I will feel a sense of service to my family!
Day 11: January 16, 2012
Goal- Going Car-Lite
Going car lite would be a big challenge for us right now for various reasons. Reason #1- Baby Z! Reason #2- Its winter! So this might be something to try as the weather warms up. As for an achievable goal right now, we will focus on combining errands and not driving when not necessary.
Day 12: January 17, 2012
Goal-Teaching Frugality to the Kids
To think about: How can we improve our teaching of being frugal to the boys? Some ideas: taking them to the store with me when I am buying groceries. If they want to eat out, or buy a toy make them use their own money. Check into web sites that might help us teach them.
Ways we already do: Stressing the cost of items (toys, clothes, food, electricity). Making sure they divide the money between church, savings, spending. Encouraging them to take care of their things (toys and clothes).
Day 13: January 18, 2012
Goal- Learn to Grow your own Herbs
I signed up for a FREE video herb growing class online! Its Growing Herbs for Beginners! This should be a wealth of information!
Day 14: January 19, 2012
Goal- The Urban Gardener
Reading this blog about a guy who grows an amazing garden on his fire escape! What an inspiration to me! It made me think more about container gardening, since we haven't had much luck with digging a garden. Maybe we should think more about what we can grow in containers. What things could I plant that would also do well inside in the winter? Herbs? Potatoes?
Day 15: January 20, 2012
Goal- Learn to Share or Barter
I think I will look into Freecycle to see what they have to offer in my area. I also love her idea about looking to buy used first. I would also love to do a swap party, where everybody bring things they don't want anymore and leaves with stuff they need. No money is exchanged, just free trading!
Day 16: January 21, 2012
Goal- Frugal out of Necessity
We do live frugally out of necessity, living pay check to pay check trying to dig ourselves out of the huge debt that we made! we need to be constantly reevaluating our budget to make sure we are still on track to pay our debt and that all our money is being used wisely!
Day 17: January 22, 2012
Goal- Redefining want vs. needs
Our basic needs are being met, we have food on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and two reliable cars to drive. However I would love to find a sense of community among our neighbors and friends. I would love to meet some more like minded people, some to help us learn things in the garden (growing, caring for, and canning!).
Day 18: January 23, 2012
Goal- Creating a budget and sticking to it!
I am so thankful we have already begun our budgeting. Our method is the envelope system. We have four categories that we take cash our for: groceries, eating out, clothing and gifts. Our gas is taken out of our debit account, we also use that for our rented movies, because we use Redbox. This really works well for us.
Day 19: January 24, 2012
Goal- Living the Good Life...No Matter what the Checkbook Says!
Getting back to the basics and simplifying life! Homemade meals (which I do most of the time anyway), homemade goodies, games with the kids and family, and just enjoying the company of friends and family!
Day 20: January 25, 2012
Goal- More Budgeting!
Look into the Pear Budget, an online budgeting tool. The first month is free, and then its like $5 a month.
Day 21: January 26, 2012
Goal- The Process of Converting your Spouse
So I have been on board since before day 1! Dear Hubby on the other hand has slowly been coming around. When I announced that I was no longer going to be buying certain items (paper towels, Clorox wipes, napkins, etc.) he wasn't so sure. Then I explained to him the cost savings and I think he got a whole new perspective. Even though its still a struggle for me sometimes to think about not having the convenience of disposable items, I have to keep going back to the cost savings and what a difference its going to make for my family!
Day 22: January 27, 2012
Goal- 23 Tips that are guaranteed to save money!
She had a list of 23 things that are guaranteed to save you money! I found a lot of them I think will work great for my family. Here is my list:
1. Don't go Shopping! This is kinda a "duh" thing but good to be reminded!
2. DIY whenever possible! All I have to say here is Pinterest is the best!!
3. Look for quality! Spend the extra money if it will make the difference of a product lasting 10 years instead of just 2 years!
4. Stop the subscriptions! So many magazines are available for free online that its not worth paying for a print copy. Same with newspapers.
5. Make your own homemade cleaners! Once again "Thank you Pinterest!"
6. Get rid of cable! Although we are struggling to find a cheap alternative to internet we are still trying to find a way to get rid of our cable! Hoping to get it canceled this year and move to Hulu or a Roku player.
7. Live with in your means! WOW!! I loved the fact that our grandparents didn't own anything they couldn't pay cash for! When did plastic become a good idea? Last year the motto for my family was "To live like our Grandparents" meaning that we were going try not to waste anything!
8. Put a number on it! Whenever I go to throw something out, as in food, put a price on it. Or whenever I go to buy something, think about the fact that it might only bring $.50 at the next garage sale!
9. Rethink the Laundry! Wash clothes less, wear your pants more than once! Hubby and I already do that, but I wasn't doing that with the kids. Not really sure why! So I have started having them wearing their pants and pj's more than once, as long as there are no stains or anything on them.
Day 23: January 28, 2012
Goal- How do I make this challenge last?
After going through this challenge, I have ended with TONS of ideas! I think I could make this a year long process of change for my family. Knowing that change doesn't happen over night, I think giving us a year to go through it would be beneficial. I am excited about the parts that I have already implemented and can't wait to get to the ones that were not possible to achieve right now. So I will be extending this challenge through the whole year.
By the end of 2012 I hope to have these goal accomplished:
- Be a paper free home! Cloth napkins, cloth paper towels, cloth hankies, cloth cleaning rags, etc.
- Be chemical free! Cleaning with only vinegar, baking soda, and borax.
- Have a successful garden. Possibly canned some items, or frozen some. This will depend on how the garden goes this summer.
- Have a cohesively organized home! By this I mean I would love to have the kids room organized and functional, our bedroom organized and functional, and also have a functional family room/sewing room/exercise room in the basement.
Day 4: January 9, 2012
Goal- Be the "Light Police" and monitor the space heaters
Today I got a late start because of some internet issues, so I will be working more on this goal tomorrow. With the lights we need to make sure they are off when no one is in the room and using natural light as much as possible. With the space heaters we sometimes leave them on when no one is in the room, sometimes for a few hours at a time. So the goal with these is to turn them off and only use them during the night and when we will be in the room for a while.
Day 5: January 10, 2012
Goal- Save on Grocery Spending
She gave 50 tips on saving at the grocery store. Most of them I do already, meal plan, stick to the list, use cash, price match, coupons, etc. There were a few things I think I will try next time I go grocery shopping, like stick to whole foods (oats, fruit, veggies, grains, rice, etc.). Eat seasonal fruit and veggies, since I am not sure what is seasonal in my part of the country this will take some research. She also suggested looking into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). When I checked them out there were 2 in a reasonable distance from my house. The one that was closest to what we could afford had a 4-8 YEAR waiting list!! OH BOY!! So we will have to consider hard about the other one, whether its going to be worth it because it was pretty pricey and since we are on such a tight budget we would have to start saving now.
Day 6: January 11, 2012
Goal- Healthy Body and Healthy Soul
Today my goal is to commit to exercising daily and eating healthy whole foods. I also am committing to spending more time cuddling with my kids and husband that should renew my soul! I loved her tips on keeping a healthy body, mind and soul:
MIND- use your creative side more
BODY- exercise daily
SOUL- Meditate- worship God Daily
Day 7: January 12, 2012
Goal- Clutter Free Living
I am so glad that we are on our way to clutter free living! I feel so renewed since I have begun this process. Now if we can just get to Garage Sale season so we can make some money off of all this stuff!! I really liked her idea about the 30 Day Rule- if you want something that is not a necessity then wait 30 days before making the purchase to see if it is still important to you.
Day 8: January 13, 2012
Goal- Stop Impulse Shopping
Todays goal is to focus on getting back to the "Cash Only" status of buying. I am also excited about the 30 Day Rule, I believe that will help us to assess what we really "need" and what we we just "want".
Day 9: January 14, 2012
Goal- 30 Day List
Rules: Write down the thing that you want and date it. The item stays on that list for 30 days. Place the list in a visible spot (front of refrigerator, by the calendar). Then really contemplate throughout the 30 days whether or not this item is really important and worth purchasing. If after the 30 days are up you still want the item then go ahead and buy it, but you must buy it with CASH! My goal today is to implement the 30 Day List into my family. I believe this will eliminate a lot of problem when the boys ask for something or when dear husband and I want to buy something.
Day 10: January 15, 2012
Goal- Stop Spending Money Trying to impress other People
Prioritize Family- I need to make my husband and kids priority over shopping or friends.
Give Freely of my time and energy- by doing this I believe we will be truly blessed. By not being selfish with my time/energy I will feel a sense of service to my family!
Day 11: January 16, 2012
Goal- Going Car-Lite
Going car lite would be a big challenge for us right now for various reasons. Reason #1- Baby Z! Reason #2- Its winter! So this might be something to try as the weather warms up. As for an achievable goal right now, we will focus on combining errands and not driving when not necessary.
Day 12: January 17, 2012
Goal-Teaching Frugality to the Kids
To think about: How can we improve our teaching of being frugal to the boys? Some ideas: taking them to the store with me when I am buying groceries. If they want to eat out, or buy a toy make them use their own money. Check into web sites that might help us teach them.
Ways we already do: Stressing the cost of items (toys, clothes, food, electricity). Making sure they divide the money between church, savings, spending. Encouraging them to take care of their things (toys and clothes).
Day 13: January 18, 2012
Goal- Learn to Grow your own Herbs
I signed up for a FREE video herb growing class online! Its Growing Herbs for Beginners! This should be a wealth of information!
Day 14: January 19, 2012
Goal- The Urban Gardener
Reading this blog about a guy who grows an amazing garden on his fire escape! What an inspiration to me! It made me think more about container gardening, since we haven't had much luck with digging a garden. Maybe we should think more about what we can grow in containers. What things could I plant that would also do well inside in the winter? Herbs? Potatoes?
Day 15: January 20, 2012
Goal- Learn to Share or Barter
I think I will look into Freecycle to see what they have to offer in my area. I also love her idea about looking to buy used first. I would also love to do a swap party, where everybody bring things they don't want anymore and leaves with stuff they need. No money is exchanged, just free trading!
Day 16: January 21, 2012
Goal- Frugal out of Necessity
We do live frugally out of necessity, living pay check to pay check trying to dig ourselves out of the huge debt that we made! we need to be constantly reevaluating our budget to make sure we are still on track to pay our debt and that all our money is being used wisely!
Day 17: January 22, 2012
Goal- Redefining want vs. needs
Our basic needs are being met, we have food on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and two reliable cars to drive. However I would love to find a sense of community among our neighbors and friends. I would love to meet some more like minded people, some to help us learn things in the garden (growing, caring for, and canning!).
Day 18: January 23, 2012
Goal- Creating a budget and sticking to it!
I am so thankful we have already begun our budgeting. Our method is the envelope system. We have four categories that we take cash our for: groceries, eating out, clothing and gifts. Our gas is taken out of our debit account, we also use that for our rented movies, because we use Redbox. This really works well for us.
Day 19: January 24, 2012
Goal- Living the Good Life...No Matter what the Checkbook Says!
Getting back to the basics and simplifying life! Homemade meals (which I do most of the time anyway), homemade goodies, games with the kids and family, and just enjoying the company of friends and family!
Day 20: January 25, 2012
Goal- More Budgeting!
Look into the Pear Budget, an online budgeting tool. The first month is free, and then its like $5 a month.
Day 21: January 26, 2012
Goal- The Process of Converting your Spouse
So I have been on board since before day 1! Dear Hubby on the other hand has slowly been coming around. When I announced that I was no longer going to be buying certain items (paper towels, Clorox wipes, napkins, etc.) he wasn't so sure. Then I explained to him the cost savings and I think he got a whole new perspective. Even though its still a struggle for me sometimes to think about not having the convenience of disposable items, I have to keep going back to the cost savings and what a difference its going to make for my family!
Day 22: January 27, 2012
Goal- 23 Tips that are guaranteed to save money!
She had a list of 23 things that are guaranteed to save you money! I found a lot of them I think will work great for my family. Here is my list:
1. Don't go Shopping! This is kinda a "duh" thing but good to be reminded!
2. DIY whenever possible! All I have to say here is Pinterest is the best!!
3. Look for quality! Spend the extra money if it will make the difference of a product lasting 10 years instead of just 2 years!
4. Stop the subscriptions! So many magazines are available for free online that its not worth paying for a print copy. Same with newspapers.
5. Make your own homemade cleaners! Once again "Thank you Pinterest!"
6. Get rid of cable! Although we are struggling to find a cheap alternative to internet we are still trying to find a way to get rid of our cable! Hoping to get it canceled this year and move to Hulu or a Roku player.
7. Live with in your means! WOW!! I loved the fact that our grandparents didn't own anything they couldn't pay cash for! When did plastic become a good idea? Last year the motto for my family was "To live like our Grandparents" meaning that we were going try not to waste anything!
8. Put a number on it! Whenever I go to throw something out, as in food, put a price on it. Or whenever I go to buy something, think about the fact that it might only bring $.50 at the next garage sale!
9. Rethink the Laundry! Wash clothes less, wear your pants more than once! Hubby and I already do that, but I wasn't doing that with the kids. Not really sure why! So I have started having them wearing their pants and pj's more than once, as long as there are no stains or anything on them.
Day 23: January 28, 2012
Goal- How do I make this challenge last?
After going through this challenge, I have ended with TONS of ideas! I think I could make this a year long process of change for my family. Knowing that change doesn't happen over night, I think giving us a year to go through it would be beneficial. I am excited about the parts that I have already implemented and can't wait to get to the ones that were not possible to achieve right now. So I will be extending this challenge through the whole year.
By the end of 2012 I hope to have these goal accomplished:
- Be a paper free home! Cloth napkins, cloth paper towels, cloth hankies, cloth cleaning rags, etc.
- Be chemical free! Cleaning with only vinegar, baking soda, and borax.
- Have a successful garden. Possibly canned some items, or frozen some. This will depend on how the garden goes this summer.
- Have a cohesively organized home! By this I mean I would love to have the kids room organized and functional, our bedroom organized and functional, and also have a functional family room/sewing room/exercise room in the basement.
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