With boy number two, it took quite a bit longer, I think I was about 6 or 7 months along before we narrowed it down to just a few. Then not until about month 8 were we sure! In that process my husband and I talked first and then decided that we would both make out own list and go from there. With our completed lists we realized that neither of us had the same names or even close! So we started the process over again! This time we did have a few of the same names (with the one that we ended up choosing on both of our lists!). BUT we still could not agree. Then after a few weeks of "deliberating" we FINALLY came to our conclusion!
So now with boy number three, we each did our own list again. But this time we each only had about 3 names on each list. A little bit easier to decide, especially since two of the names were the same! So now that I am almost 5 1/2 months along we are down to 2 names! Hopefully in the next few weeks we will have a final decision!
Now on a funny note, when asking the older two boys what they want to name the baby we got some interesting responses! The 6 year old said we should name it "Woody". The 3 year old said we should name it "Buzz". I think maybe a little too much Toy Story is being watched in our house!!
Also last week the 3 year old and I were sitting on the couch cuddling, and having some candy! When he asked what I had in my mouth, I told him a life saver. He then began talking about the baby and where it was. I told him the baby was in mommies tummy, and that he could talk to the baby if he wanted to. Then in his little 3 year old way, he asked me if I ate the baby!! Without laughing too hard I had to try to explain the concept to him. That didn't go very well, he really was confused when I got done. So now we just try to do our best when talking about the baby in mommies tummy.