So lately I have been so busy! Busy doing what, I don't know!! So I saw on another persons blog that they kept a log of their entire day, more to just show people how they did it. I know my day is not near as exciting as hers was, but oh well! So for me I was just wanting to know where all of my time was going. What I found out through this little experiment was that when I am writing down what I am doing, I was a little better at staying on track! A few weeks ago I had created a daily schedule and posted it up in my home. I think I do a good job of "roughly" following it, but I still do not know what is getting done and where all of my time is going. Between juggling an infant, a 4 year old, a 7 year old, a husband who is working overtime, a small at home business, church, family, and housework (not in any particular order!) I am feeling a little stretched! So here is the rundown of my day yesterday, which is a typical day for me except for the fact that Little N was sick and did not attend preschool. I wanted to get pretty detailed so I could keep track of where my "wasted" time was going. So bear with the "up to the minute" updates! Thanks to my iPod touch I was able to jot notes down while doing other tasks!
Tuesday January 31, 2012
6:15 alarm goes off for the first time, hit snooze
6:17 hear Baby Z begin to fuss, hoping he will go back to sleep, and he does
6:24 alarm goes off for the second time, hit snooze again
6:33 alarm goes off for the third time, seriously need to get up, but the house is cold and my bed is
6:45 FINALLY get up! Hubby goes and fixes a bottle for Baby Z and cereal and milk for Big E and Little N, while I go and wake up Baby Z and change him
6:52 Big E is dressed and eating breakfast
7:00 I begin feeding Baby Z his bottle, I have to remind Big E to stop playing and eat breakfast, Hubby gets in the shower to get ready for work
7:05 Grab a quick time with the Lord while giving Baby Z his bottle, I recently downloaded Our Daily Bread for my iPod, its great!
7:07 Little N wakes up, now to convince him to get dressed and ready for the day (not always an easy task!), he tends to take a while to wake up.
7:10 Tell E to go put his and Little N's clothes away, and of course this brings arguing and complaining, so I remind him its one of his chores. He finally goes and does what he was asked!
7:17 Both boys come out of their room yelling and crying about, well I am never really sure what its about! Someone is not doing something right, is usually what I get out of the situation. So after getting everyone back on task, I continue to feed Baby Z.
7:20 Remind Little N for the third time to get dressed!
7:28 Finish Baby Z's bottle just in time for me to get my quick shower before Hubby leaves for work.
7:47 Hubby leaves for work, about 10 minutes later than planned!
7:59 I am finished getting myself ready for the day (I have never been a person who can go with out a shower, and my hair is short so I can't just let it go!) I begin to rethink the short hair, but who has time to let it grow out! Now to get the boys ready to leave the house to take Big E to school, praying at the same time that Little N's nose isn't running so I can take him to school, since he had to miss yesterday. He only goes two days a week and I look forward to those couple of hours to get some things done.
8:12 Leave to take Big E to school on the way there I call Little N's school to tell them he won't be there today because of his cold! YUP, nose was still runny!
8:15 Drop Big E off at school and heat to the store because after looking at my menu for the week, I realize its kind of hard to have French Toast, eggs and bacon, without butter, eggs and bacon! So to the store we go!
8:25 Arrive at store and grab the few groceries after having to get the big awkward car cart that Little N insists on having, and I remember that I need to pick my battles so I go with it!
8:45 Arrive home, Little N asks for a snack, because he didn't eat breakfast. So after putting Baby Z in his room asleep in the car seat, I put the groceries away and get Little N a snack. I look at the time and realize that he can watch a little TV while I do a few chores.
8:55 I throw in the first load of laundry, and realize that I am almost out of my homemade laundry soap, so I put that on my agenda (the list in my head which means I will probably forget!). I begin to hear Baby Z fuss and now Little N is asking for some hot chocolate.
9:00 Go get Baby Z up and changed, and decide that I maybe should get him dressed since he is wearing the same pjs from the night before, which he also wore all day yesterday! The poor third kid!! I then go get Little N his hot chocolate and realize that Sesame Street is on! YEAH!! That usually keep Little N engaged for at least 45 minutes, maybe I will get that laundry soap made after all!! I also take this time to grab my first Diet Coke for the day!
9:15 I go whip up a batch of laundry soap and realize I only have enough to make a 1/4 of a batch, oh well that will get us through until I can get to the store AGAIN!
9:24 I decide that I can take a few minutes to check Facebook and Etsy.
9:45 Wow was I on the computer that long!!?? Time to change laundry and I also decide to make some French Bread. While the Baby Z's bottle is in the warmer I whip that up! I mean stick it in the bread machine!
10:00 Baby Z's bottle time, and Little N gets to play the computer
10:30 Finish Baby Z's bottle, check on the laundry and bread, empty trash can that should have gone out yesterday because today is garbage day!
10:45 I suddenly realize that we have company coming tonight and maybe I should clean the house up a bit!
10:55 Wondering why I am so hungry!? Oh yeah that's because all I had for breakfast was a granola bar that I shoved in while taking Big E to school! I decide to fix us an early lunch.
11:00 We eat our hot dogs and cheese sticks while Little N watches some more PBS. Baby Z begins to fuss so I think its time for another nap, maybe I can get some cleaning done while baby naps and Little N watches some TV, fingers crossed!
11:15 I did get the main bathroom cleaned
11:30 TV show is done for Little N, bread is ready to come out of the machine and sit to rise. Time to get off the computer again!
11:35 Little N and I sit down to read some books
12:10 After reading about Star Wars character for the past half hour, I am done!!
12:13 Little N asks to play a game, so he goes and gets Candyland set up while I switch laundry.
12:15 We begin the first game of Candyland! Now time for Diet Coke number 2!
12:21 After the quickest game of Candyland I have ever played, we got for another round!
12:34 Finished the second game pretty quickly as well, so Little N goes and gets another game, this time it Noah's Ark!
12:45 Baby Z wakes up so we finish our game and I go get him. Little N asks to watch a movie, so I tell him to pick one while I change the baby.
12:47 I put the movie in Little N and go prepare a bottle for Baby Z.
12:50 Load dishwasher and do up a few dishes while bottle is warming.
1:03 Sit down to feed Baby Z. While feeding the baby I can't believe its 1:00 already! I still have laundry to fold, vacuuming to do and a kitchen to clean. I also see that I have lots of sewing to do and I begin to wonder if I will ever get to the many projects that are on my list! That gets me thinking about the treadmill that we got for Christmas and I wonder when am I ever going to find time to get some exercising in?! I think it would help if we got the cable TV hooked up downstairs.
2:00 FINALLY finish Baby Z's bottle! We are trying to get him to take more and so sometimes it takes him a really long time to take a bottle! Now to change the stinky dipe that happened during the bottle!
2:10 Begin washing bottles, Little N comes in to "help", so I put him to work taking things to the recycling bins in the garage. After that I let him wipe the counter.
2:30 Sit down to fold the two baskets of laundry while Little N is playing in his room and is Baby Z is playing on his mat.
2:50 Finish straightening up the house. I also have about 10 more minutes until we have to leave and pick Big E up from the bus, so I get on the computer and check Etsy and Facebook.
3:00 Put Baby Z in his car seat and tell Little N that its time to go.
3:10 Leave to get Big E off the bus that tends to come any where between 3:15 and 3:30, so you just never know! I drive by the mailbox to get the mail, while waiting to pull out I notice this busted up Trailblazer come down the road. As it passes me I see the lady driving is holding a mirror trying to put on lipstick or something, no wonder he car is busted up! That gives me a good laugh!
3:25 Bus finally arrives
3:30 Walk through the door tell Big E to go potty and wash his hands while I go get the trashcans from the curb.
3:33 get them a snack and some apple juice and we talk about Big E's day.
3:40 Begin Big E's LARGE reading assignment, he has to read 3 chapters! Remember he is only 7! We read for 20 minutes and he almost finished a chapter. But its time to feed Baby Z!
4:00 The boys are allowed to watch Wild Kratts on PBS while I feed Baby Z.
4:15 Finally sit down to feed Baby Z
5:00 Baby Z finally finishes his bottle, we had to stop half way through to change another stinky dipe!
5:08 Begin fixing dinner
5:25 The boys and I sit down to dinner
5:35 Baby Z gets fussy so I put him down for a nap, while the boys finish their dinner.
5:40 I begin the dinner clean up, the boys are jumping around and not eating so I tell them they are done, they help clear the table and clean up.
5:50 Big E and I sit down to finish his reading assignment, Hubby get home, earlier tonight because of our company that is coming at 6:30
6:10 Big E finished his reading and Hubby and I get a few minutes to chat before the company get here.
6:35 Company arrives and we chat with him. The boys are told to play in their room until bed time.
7:10 Baby Z gets another bottle.
7:50 Our company leaves, the big boys were told to clean their room and now its time for bed.
8:15 Time for Baby Z's cereal, I decided to add a a lithe applesauce to see if he would take it any better.
8:22 He is not!!
8:29 Decide to call it quits with the cereal. I put him on his mat to play until bed time.
8:50 Baby Z gets fussy so I go change him (yet another stinky diaper), and get him in his pajamas. Now its bed time for him. This is bit earlier than normal but I think he's tired.
9:00 With Baby Z in bed I sit down to get on the computer and watch the news for a bit before bed.
9:40 Turn off the TV and computer and head to bed.
10:00 I am in bed getting ready to a little reading before turning off the lights.
10:27 Lights out!!
3:47 am- Baby Z starts to fuss, and I wonder if its time to get up. Then I hear Hubby get up and look at the clock and realize that its still night time!!
5:46 am- Baby Z fusses again, once again Hubby get up.
6:15am- Alarm goes off! And another day begins!
Well that was yesterday!! I got tired just going through it again!! As I said that is a typical day, although I was a bit better at getting the laundry folded and put away since we had company coming. Normally I just leave it in the baskets for a day or so! In going over this day, I realize that there is not much "extra" or "free" time in my day. Or maybe there is I just still can't find it!
So here is what my schedule looks like on paper:
Daily Schedule:
7:00am - wake up feed Z/
get breakfast for E
7:30am – Shower
7:50am – Joe takes E to bus stop
8:15am – Get Breakfast for / and myself
8:45am – Monday and Tuesday-
Take N to school
Thursday, Friday- prepare to run errands/activities for the day
9:00am – Put Z down for a nap, clean/do laundry/ play with Noah
10:00am- Feed Z/ N TV time
10:30am- computer time/ etsy
shop time
11:00am – Lunch time
11:30am – Put Z down for a nap, book time/ playtime with N
12:00pm – Sewing time/ N Movie time
1:00 pm – Feed Z
1:30 pm – Playtime with Z and N
2:00 pm – Put Z down for a nap/ finish up cleaning/ laundry
3:10 pm – Prepare to go get E from bus
3:30 pm – Snack time
4:00 pm – Feed Z/ TV time for E and N
4:30 pm – Computer time
5:00 pm – Prepare dinner
5:30 pm – Put Z down for a nap/ dinner time
6:00 pm – Bath time/ Homework
7:00 pm – Feed Z/ E and N play time in their room
8:00 pm – E and N bed
8:30 pm – Z gets cereal
9:00 pm - Z bed time
10:30 pm- Bed time!!!