Preparing the nursery is quite a big job! Since we are having another boy, and have moved since having the other two, this will the first nursery room we have done. The room began with flowery wall paper and pink curtains. Step one: remove wall paper! Step two: Paint! Step three: Replace all the baby furniture, put up curtains (that still need to be bought!), make cover for rocking chair, buy carpet rug for floor. Step three will be the most fun! Step one, was two long days of spraying and peeling and scraping, and spraying and peeling and scraping, repeating many many times, until after about 9 hours it was done! Thankfully grandma and grandpa were able to take the older boys (since it was spring break) to stay with them for a day and a half. That gave me a day and a half of uninterrupted working time. Being 6 months pregnant and all of that labor intensive work really took a toll on my body! I was super sore for a couple of days after, but really relieved to have it done.
The big helper! |
The little helper! |
In the process |
Part of the big mess! |
Almost done! |
Hopefully step two, painting, will get done in a few weeks. We are planning on asking grandma and grandpa to take the boys again so we can spend a Saturday painting, and hopefully getting it done! The theme in the nursery will be monkeys, with light green and brown for the colors. I found this super cute quilt on that gave me the inspiration.
My inspiration for the nursery. |
We have narrowed down the first name for this third boy, but the middle name is still in "negotiations". There is so much to think about when naming a child. Can it be made fun of, well probably. Do the initials spell something weird? How will it sound as an adult? So many things to think of!! And then there is the meaning of the name. Is it a powerful meaning or something weird and stupid!?
I am so thankful to be this far along in pregnancy and to be feeling so well! Its nice to be at home and not working while pregnant. The last two pregnancies I was working full time, in a day care! That is not easy work! So for me to be home with a 3 year old and have the 6 year old off at school is a total blessing! Its wonderful to get to rest when I need to rest and do things (like cleaning, laundry, etc.) during the day when I feel pretty good instead of at night when I am super tired and sore!