Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New things....

As I sit here we are about to leave to go and look at a new Christian School for our 5 year old. He will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Even though we live in a great public school district, we feel strongly about a solid Biblical upbringing. This is a nerve wracking decision for me to have to make. We only have a week before the pre-registration has to be filled out and turned in at his present school. So the decision has to be made quickly. Its not that we put off making this decision we just didn't realize that it would have to made this soon!

Starting this year, my husband and I have decided to "live like our grandparents". Meaning that we will try to not be wasteful and make sure our things are taken care of and last us a long time. We have realized that this is a very wise thing that needs to be taught to our children.

After Christmas we piled the van high with donations for Goodwill. Most of which were toys out of the boys room. They received way more than they needed for Christmas, and we decided to make them decide which toys they wanted to give away to make room for their new ones. We also had a birthday in September, and one in January, so the last few months have been filled with new items. Reflecting back on the events of the past few weeks, like the earthquake in Haiti, it really makes me so thankful for the little things we have.

My personal goal for this year to live so that no one questions my beliefs! I want my children to know what I believed and to want to emulate my behavior in every way!

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