Summer is now coming to an end. School starts next week and I will be the mother of a Kindergartner! That is the craziest thing I can think of! It seems that only yesterday I was carrying him around on my hip and now he is going to get on the school bus and be off to school! We are both very excited about it though. He can't wait to ride the bus! I can't wait to see him flourish under a great teacher. I am a little worried though about how little brother will handle it. They have been wonderful playmates this summer, although there was a lot of sibling rivalry.
Summer was so much fun this year. We were able to take a few day trips throughout the summer. We went to a local State Park and had a picnic and went hiking to a beautiful waterfall. We took another day trip to the St. Louis Zoo, that was so much fun (even though it was the HOTTEST day of the year!). We also did a lot of fun family things like go mini golfing and swimming in the back yard. I feel as though the summer flew by but I am so blessed to have these wonderful memories with my young boys.
With fall fast approaching it is time to figure out a new schedule. There will be a lot of adjustments being made for our family this upcoming year. With a new school schedule, soccer schedule, and church schedule. It will be really fun to learn how to juggle everything. I am going to put up a "rough" sketch of our new fall schedule. I am sure it will need to be adjusted once we get a feel for how school, soccer and choir all work.
FALL 2010
7:00 Boys wake up and get dressed
7:10 Breakfast
7:30 Brush teeth/ comb hair
7:45 Get backpacks ready and prepare to leave for bus stop
7:58 Get picked up by bus
8:05 Mommy and little brother start chores
8:45 Morning activity (Bible study, or play date)
9:15 Snack time
9:45-10:30 Play time
10:30-10:45 Clean up and prepare for lunch
11:00 Lunch
11:45 Get settled down for nap/ read books and cuddle
12:00 Nap
2:30 Snack time for little brother
3:00 Leave to pick big brother up from bus stop
3:15 Snack time for big brother
3:45-4:30 Mommy and boys play time/ homework time
4:30 Mommy starts dinner prep
5:15 Dinner
6:00 Daddy playtime with boys or Evening activies (church, soccer)
6:30 Bath time
7:00 Prepare clothes and backpack for the next day
7:15 Boys play time
7:45 Clean up
8:00 Bible story and prayer time
8:10 Lights out!
Hopefully this will not have to change too much. I have found that the more busy I am the better the day goes. I am really looking forward to fall and enjoying some cooler weather and more fun times with my little boys.
I have been learning so much lately about the importance of being totally focused on my faith. The more I look to God for help and reassurance the better my outlook on life is. I am so encouraged by recently formed friendships. A Bible verse that has spoken to me this summer and I was really able to apply to my life is...
Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
This verse means that no matter what has or will happen in my life God was there before me and has it all under control! I know that His will for my life is not to harm me or hurt me, but to allow me to prosper and be strengthened in him!
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