Thursday, October 13, 2011

How I am learning to grow grateful kids...

This semester in my Tuesday morning bible study we are going through the book Growing Grateful Kids by Susie Larson.  What an eye opening book!!  This weeks reading came from chapter 7 and 8, I was so moved by what I read in chapter 7 that I feel compelled to write a little about it.

Chapter 7 begins with this quote from St. Augustine of Hippo "It was pride that changed the angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels."  What a powerful statement!

The title of this chapter is "Live Humbly : God is Great"  I feel so strongly about this statement that I am so excited to start teaching this to my children.  Growing up I do not feel that it is something that was taught very well to me! 

She gives the example of Joseph from the Old Testament in the Bible.  Joseph was the youngest brother of 12, he was the favorite of his father.  His brothers sold him to slavery when he was young.  Joseph was bought by a guard who worked for Pharaoh the King of Egypt.  With all that Joseph went through he could have been bitter or angry at God.  Instead he humbled himself under the mighty had of God and was lifted up and blessed by Him for the whole world to see!  Joseph is the perfect example of being humble.  Samson, another Old Testament man, is an example of someone who trusted in himself and didn't listen to the plans God had for him. Samson was gifted and called by God but instead of listening to his parents he was bullheaded and spoiled.   Samson decided to take matters into his own hands and neglect his vow to God!  The lesson I get from the life of Samson is to earnestly seek God's wisdom and direction, I must also humbly submit to the cleansing seasons of my life that God allows me to endure. 

For this next section I am going to copy this text from the book Growing Grateful Kids.  I have taken this from pages 110 to 112:

What consistent lessons on pride and humility do your kids pick up by watching you?

If our kids see: us shaking our fists at people more than they see us praying for them
They'll learn:  that people shouldn't get in the way of what we want.  That's pride.

If your kids see:  us responding humbly to the rude person in line at the grocery store
They'll learn:  that we are alive to reflect the character of Christ.  That's humility.

If our kids see:  us dissecting others' flaws more than they hear us honoring them in their absence
They'll acquire:  and exaggerated view of their own importance and the idea that it's okay to gossip.  That's pride.

If our kids see:  us speaking well of others, giving people the benefit of the doubt, and believing the best about others' motives.
They'll learn:  not to be quick to judge or to assign motives; they'll learn to believe and hope for the best in others.  That's humility.

If our kids see:  us striving and straining in our own strength and neglecting to give Jesus the credit He deserves
They'll learn:  that more rests on our shoulders than on His.  They'll come to believe that they are stronger than they really are (and that God is weak in some way).  That's pride.

If our kids see:  us humbly committing each new day to Jesus
They'll learn:  that He truly loves and cares about every detail of our lives.  That's humility.

If our kids see:  us disrespecting authority, criticizing our pastor, nitpicking our neighbor
They'll learn:  that it doesn't matter if Jesus told us to respect authority and to love our neighbor, because our opinions matter more than they things He has asked of us.  And that's pride.

If our kids see:  us refusing to forgive, stiffening up in the face of correction, or refusing to admit when we're wrong
They'll have:  a front row seat to watch pride in action; they'll fear correction (rather than embrace it); they'll learn to defend their "right" not to grow into everything God intended them to be.  That's pride.

If our kids see:  us admitting when we're wrong, asking forgiveness, and applying ourselves to the pursuit of holiness
They'll learn: to follow in our footsteps, to admit when they're wrong, to ask for forgiveness, and to apply themselves to the pursuit of holiness.  That's humility.

James 4:6 
...God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Lord may I be more humble in my life.  May I look after others before myself and respect those that are in authority over me!  Thank you for all of the examples for me to follow through your Holy Word!  Amen!!

If you are interested in reading Growing Grateful Kids by Susie Larson, click this link to find it at Christian Book Distributors.

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